
Innovative services of quality scientifically tested.

Medical Derma Group looks at own customer satisfaction with supplies and of quality performances and reliability.

For this specific purpose has been established and is maintained in the study, in preparation of products one menagement system for the quality conforms to ISO.

The Emergency Skin® line represents the real assets of the Company: the achievement of a high qualitative standard in the products and services offered to customers is a basic requirement for the maintenance of the market and for future progress both for Medical Derma Group that for our partners and customers.

The production and manufacture of products entirelly Italian, developed by certified Companies UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 which ensure production processes to highest standards of quality and in accordance of environment. In each phase, from formulation to final realization of a product, are involved expert cosmetologists, dermatologists and aesthetic doctors who, with a continuous research and innovation, support, confirm, test and innovate the Emergency Skin® line.

A very important fundamental concept to Medical Derma Group is that the quality does not write but one makes: indeed the policy of Medical Derma Group, thanks to valuable feedback of market and our partners, is the continuous improvement of products and services.

The continuous staff training and the customer satisfaction finally are two additional factors that contribute to determine Medical Derma Group success.

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